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Union 101 (old)

What is a local union?

The UFCW International is made up of lots of smaller local union chapters around the US and Canada. Similar to how the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts have troop numbers each scout belongs to and does most of their activities with, every UFCW member belongs to a local union that is primarily who they will interact with for most union-related things. A local union can be as small as the workers at one processing facility, or it can be tens of thousands of workers across several states at many employers. Each local union has its own bylaws and elected local union leadership, as well as a unique history that informs what it looks like today.  

If you are a UFCW member and don’t know who your local union is, you might be missing out on important news and actions relevant to your area. For help figuring out what local union you belong to, you can check our Local Union locator, or drop us a line and we’ll be glad to help.

Organize and unionize your workplace

Are you and your coworkers ready to negotiate together for bigger paychecks, stronger benefits and better lives? If you are, the steps to joining the UFCW are simple.

How to Start a Union
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