UFCW Local 663 members who work at JBS in Worthington, Minnesota, ratified a new agreement last month that raises wages and improves benefits. JBS is the largest pork production processor in Minnesota, and UFCW Local 663 represents over 1,900 members at the facility.
The three-year agreement, which was ratified by an overwhelming margin, includes raises and higher base rates; an extra day of vacation; continued free primary health care at Sanford; and an additional walking steward for the second shift paid for by the company.
“I’m happy with the raises we have negotiated for everyone at work,” said Yolanda Martinez, who works the day shift in the cryovac food packaging division at JBS and served on the bargaining committee. Martinez has worked for JBS for 28 years.
“I’m looking forward to not only our raises, but also continuing our free health care at Sanford,” said Melina Martinez, who has worked for JBS for 20 years and is employed in the trim department. “While health care costs are skyrocketing, it’s good to know my union has our backs.”