In an effort to increase vaccinations against COVID-19, the Biden Administration’s push now includes extended hours in the last three Fridays of June to make it easier for people to get vaccinated as well as providing free childcare for people to get vaccinated.
Thousands of local pharmacies
Call your local Albertsons, CVS, Rite Aid, or Walgreens pharmacy to see if they are participating.
Find vaccination sites near you by visiting Vaccines.gov, texting your ZIP code to 438829, or calling 1-800-232-0233.
Fridays in June 11th, 18th, 25th
Local pharmacies will be opening early and vaccinating as late as midnight, with some even staying open 24 hours.
What else?
Free Child Care & Rides
Several of the largest child care providers will offer free drop-in child care during vaccination and recovery through July 4th. Hundreds of local public transit agencies will also offer free rides.
Vaccines are FREE and available to everyone, regardless of immigration or insurance status.
For more information, visit vaccines.gov/incentives.html