On June 16, members of UFCW Local 27 who work at the Kentmere Rehabilitation and Health Care Center in Wilmington, Del., ratified a new contract. The members are employed at the facility as certified nursing assistants, dietary aides, laundry workers, housekeeping workers, cooks and maintenance mechanics.
The 63 workers at the nursing facility reached an agreement after months of negotiations revolving around health care plans and other benefits, including a rally in support of the workers attended by local elected officials. The three-year contract includes wage increases, improved health care and protections for workers with seniority.
“After months of contentious bargaining, pressure put on the company and Unfair Labor Practice charges filed, Brother Richard Wildt was able to reach a tentative agreement within three short days,” said President Jason Chorpenning. “As a result of this solid agreement, the membership at Kentmere showed their appreciation of a union contract with their unanimous vote. I want to extend this special thanks to the bargaining team and every Local 27 staff member who participated in the informational picket line, community support, political actions, and the resident’s family members and advocacy groups.