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Piggly Wiggly Union

Join our growing union movement at Piggly Wiggly!

Piggly Wiggly is one of the oldest, most beloved grocery chains in the country – and we’re working to make it even better! Our coworkers at Piggly Wiggly’s across Wisconsin have already unionized to secure living wages and balanced schedules, so it’s time for more of us to win what we need to keep our stores running smoothly in the face of unprecedented change in the grocery industry.

Starting a union gives us the power to hold our company accountable and ensure we have everything we need to thrive on the job. With our collective voice, we establish a fair standard for how we’re treated every time we clock in.

If you work at Piggly Wiggly and want to take the first step towards improving your career, fill out the form below! A UFCW organizer will reach out to you to discuss what’s going on at your store. Now is the perfect time to take action and join hundreds of other Piggly Wiggly team members who have already made their jobs better with a union.

  • Tell us more about yourself

  • Where do you work?

  • What brings you here today?

    Can you tell us more about your experience at work and what you want to improve there?
  • *By providing my cell phone number, I consent to receive blast text messages and robocalls on any topic from my local UFCW, International Union, and their affiliates. I reserve the right to opt-out at any time. We promise that we will not abuse your consent to text or call you.

Where is the Piggly Wiggly Union?

Right now, we have a handful of union stores across the country, and we’re working to grow this number every day. Piggly Wiggly workers across the state of Wisconsin, for instance, have already won strong contracts featuring competitive compensation and affordable healthcare policies that give workers a voice in how plans are chosen and implemented.

Want to be a part of building a better Piggly Wiggly for current and future workers? Fill out the form above and connect with a UFCW union organizer today!

What We’re Fighting For at Piggly Wiggly:

Living Wages

We’re unionizing to secure wages that keep up with the cost of living and reflect the value we bring to our stores.

Affordable and Comprehensive Healthcare

We’ve already made significant improvements to the healthcare plans at our union shops – and we’re fighting to bring these same victories to Piggly Wiggly stores across the country!

Predictable Hours and Fair Schedules

With our union, we have predictability and fairness in our schedules. All Piggly Wiggly workers should have access to balanced schedules, and our scheduling policies shouldn’t be based on favoritism. We also shouldn’t have to worry about not getting enough hours each week.

Equipment That Helps Us Do Our Best Work

We shouldn’t have to supply our own uniforms and work gear, especially when we’re handling meat or other messy products. That’s why we’re fighting for a union contract that guarantees access to any and all equipment we need to thrive on the job.

A Voice in our Stores:

We’re unionizing to secure a voice on the job and a real say in the policies that affect our careers at Piggly Wiggly. With a union, we can demand greater accountability across the company – ensuring we’re treated with dignity.

Hear From Members of the Grocery Union

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Why does having a union matter? 

Having a union gives you and your coworkers a collective voice – making us more powerful than we’d be alone. With a union, you get a chance to forge a better future at Piggly Wiggly and hold company leadership accountable to your needs as a worker.

What is UFCW?

The United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) represents nearly 900,000 grocery workers across the United States and Canada, including hundreds of Piggly Wiggly workers in Wisconsin! 

UFCW union organizers support workers like you as you win strong contracts and build outstanding careers in the grocery industry. They’re here to help us foster more equitable workplaces through the power of collective action.

How do I start a union at my Piggly Wiggly store? 

It all starts with reaching out to a UFCW organizer and sharing your story. They’ll learn about what’s happening at your store and help you talk to your coworkers about starting a union! Fill out the form above to get connected today.

What if I like working at Piggly Wiggly? Would things change if I start a union? 

Even if you love working for Piggly Wiggly – having a union can help you make things even better. When you unionize, you and your coworkers get the opportunity to come together, collaborate over ideas for a better workplace, and negotiate with Piggly Wiggly to turn those ideas into contract provisions. 

If there’s something specific that you love about your store, you can work to incorporate it into your contract. And, on the other hand, if there’s something that isn’t working for you, you can propose a change and advocate for what you need. There’s only room to grow upward when you start your union!  

Can I be punished for talking about starting a union at my store? 

Under federal law, you’re legally allowed to talk about starting a union (or just your working conditions in general), while you’re on the clock. However, it’s always important to have these conversations as safely as possible. 

Getting in touch with a UFCW union organizer is the first step in keeping things safe when you’re thinking about unionizing at Piggly Wiggly. Reach out to us today to start chatting about your store.

How will grocery store divestitures and the Kroger/Albertsons merger affect Piggly Wiggly? Would having a union at my store change that?

Due to the upcoming merger of Kroger & Albertsons, many grocery stores across the country are closing or changing ownership. This unprecedented change could lead to more Piggly Wiggly stores opening quickly, along with other rapid changes at our company. 

Having a union is more important than ever in the face of these unprecedented changes, as it gives us more ground to stand on. With a union, we have stronger protections against unilateral  changes and other developments that affect our careers & livelihoods!

Ready to be part of the Piggly Wiggly Union?

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