A holiday message from UFCW International President Marc Perrone
Dear Valued UFCW Member,
The holiday season gives us all an opportunity to thank the people we value in our lives.
Which is why I want to say – thank you! You and 1.3 million UFCW members make a real difference in the lives of so many.
In fact, I would say that nobody works harder throughout the holiday season than you and our members. Your hard work makes the holidays happen for tens of millions of America’s families, and that is something we should all be proud of. Which is why I would like to share this special video that I hope captures the sincere thanks I wish I could deliver in person.
So for all of the late nights and long days in the many weeks ahead – thank you. Thank you for standing together to help give our members and their families the opportunity to earn a better life. Thank you for your service and expertise you provide to millions of customers we serve every day. And, may you and your loved ones have a safe Thanksgiving and happy holiday season.
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