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Press Releases

UFCW: Essential Workers Make Their Voices Heard in Key Midterm Elections

November 9, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), which represents 1.3 million workers in grocery stores, meatpacking plants, and other essential industries across North America, responded to the 2022 midterm election results.

UFCW International President Marc Perrone released the following statement:

“UFCW’s members helped deliver a powerful message by casting their votes for the candidates that best represent the needs of our nation’s hard-working essential workers. Across the country, UFCW members mobilized to vote for candidates up and down the ballot that prioritized the bread-and-butter issues of working people. Their voice was heard loud and clear in key races in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Maryland.

“Now, it’s time for those elected from both parties on Tuesday night to put politics aside, work together, and deliver real solutions that address the everyday problems facing our members, their families, and millions of workers across this country. From now until the next election, the UFCW, America’s largest private sector union of essential workers, will continue to fight for the better life our members – and all workers – have earned and deserve.”


The UFCW is the largest private sector union in the United States. UFCW International represents 1.3 million professionals and their families in healthcare, grocery stores, meatpacking, food processing, retail shops and other industries. Our members serve our communities in all 50 states, Canada and Puerto Rico. Learn more about the UFCW at ufcw.org.

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