As the ghosts and ghouls come out this Halloween, keep your eyes peeled for some of our favorite union-made treats. UFCW members as well as our brothers and sisters of the BCTGM union have been hard at work making sure there’s plenty of sweets for all those trick-or-treaters.
For a longer list of union-made candies, visit Union Plus.
1.) Hershey’s Nuggets / Kisses

2.) Kit Kat

3.) Butterfinger*

4.) Baby Ruth*

5.) Smarties

6.) Jawbreakers

7.) Sour Patch Kids

8.) Tootsie Rolls

9.) York Peppermint Patties

10.) Jolly Ranchers

11.) Bit-O-Honey

12.) Mary Jane Peanut Butter Chews

13.) Ghirardelli Chocolate Squares

14.) Jelly Belly Candy Corn

15.) Red Vines

*some made in Mexico. Check packaging for country of origin.